So, after taking Elijah to get his pictures taken at an overpriced studio I realized that I could have done it for free. So here I am getting back to my passion (one of many really). Have a look and let me know what you think. These are from a span of 7 or so years and I have many more to add, but not enough time to put them all up at once. If you are interested in a shoot sometime it would be great to add to my collection and not so expensive on your part! Just email me at for more information...
So here is an idea I once saw and decided I could try it and if I ever do get to shoot another wedding or feel confident enough to actually take a job I'm doing this for sure:)
So get this, my parents have lived in Wilderness Valley for almost 7 years and we have never gone swimming as a family at the beach down the road...what were we thinking? It is very rare that we can all be together so this was such a fun and exciting time! It seems as though the older you get the more time you want to spend with family. Lately there has been news that has caused me to want to be with them more than ever! I only wish that this could happen more and that everyone could see the value in it even if we are all very different:) So here are some recent photos from Lake Elizabeth with the family!
So, as the summer comes to an end it was perfect to spend a week up north. First we went to Grandma Mongeau's to go swimming because it would not be right for that not to be part of Elijah's childhood memories. Such an amazing place to swim, play and of course, eat! These are just a few of the day's favorite pictures:)
Here I sit and reminisce over the last 2 years of our life together...I cannot believe how fast the time does fly! Tomorrow Aaron and I will celebrate our wedding anniversary. It seems like just yesterday we were enjoying such a wonderful day. These past 2 years could not have gone better for us in our journey together and I am thankful every day for the love we share, even when times get tough and we may not understand each other, it is nice to know that we can always find our common ground and balance each other out again. Here's to a love with no end:)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
He's always got his hands in his mouth...teething bites;)
So, as I look through the years of photos I have taken, I realize how many nature pictures I have snapped! I had a macro lens that I bought myself for a graduation gift (H.S.), but it quit working on our Honeymoon...not before I could take these great pictures though:)
Today Eli is 5 months! Cannot believe it myself! Since I don't edit ever, I thought today I'd teach myself how to:) Here is the final product and I'm pleased....
During a recent trip to Grand Haven everyone thought it was funny I wanted to snap tons of photos, but these make it all that much better when I do snap, snap, snap:)
This is something I find fun! I have done little jobs in the past, but have always wanted to do more. I love to capture the essence of a single moment in time. I rarely edit and when I do it is only to crop. This is raw material that I find fascinating:)